Skidaway Institute to berth new research vessel in collaboration with Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary

The R/V Gannet, Gray’s Reef Memorial Sanctuary’s new research vessel, sitting on the dock at the Skidaway Institute.
The R/V Gannet, Gray’s Reef Memorial Sanctuary’s new research vessel, will allow marine researchers to conduct experiments and studies at Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary year round. This tool is made possible by collaboration between Gray’s Reef National Sanctuary and UGA’s Skidaway Institute of Oceanography. (Photo by Ben Prueitt)
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Former UGA Skidaway Institute student graduates with master’s degree

Former University of Georgia and Skidaway Institute of Oceanography graduate student Adriana Webb was awarded her master’s degree in May. She presented her non-thesis master’s project, “Guiding the Way with Marine Debris 101: An Online Course for Ecotour Guides,” on April 24. (more…)

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The Skidaway Institute of Oceanography is an internationally renowned marine science research institute located on the northern end of Skidaway Island near Savannah, Georgia, USA.

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