This list provides examples of research work by SkIO scientists. It is not a comprehensive list.
Nayak, A. R., Kolluru, S., Kumar, A., & Bhadury, P. (2025). Revisiting harmful algal blooms in India through a global lens: An integrated framework for enhanced research and monitoring. iScience, 28(2), 111916.
Ohnemus, D. C., Kollman, C., Marsay, C. M., Ricci, M., & Buck, C. S. (2025). The Hawaii Dust Regime: Patterns and Variability in Aerosol Mineral Dust From MERRA‐2 at Station ALOHA and the Hawaii Aerosol Time‐Series. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 130(1), e2024JD041860.
Lee, R. F., Kannan, K., & Windom, H. (2024). Methylation of mercury and tin by estuarine microbial mats. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 208, 117055.
Greer, A.T., P.I. Duffy, T.J.W. Walles, C. Cousin, L.M. Treible, K.D. Aaron, J.C. Nejstgaard. 2025. Modular shadowgraph imaging for zooplankton ecological studies in diverse field and mesocosm settings. Limnology & Oceanography: Methods 23(1):67-86.
Tomamichel, M.M., Lowe, K.I., Arnold, K.M.H., Frischer, M.E., Irwin, B.J., Osenberg, C.W., Hall, R.J., and Byers, J.E. (In Press, accepted October 30, 2024). Warmer is Deadlier: A meta-analysis reveals increasing temperatures accentuate disease impacts on fisheries hosts. Ecology Letters.
Bresnahan, P.J., Rivero-Calle, S., Morrison, J. et al. High-resolution ocean color imagery from the SeaHawk-HawkEye CubeSat mission. Sci Data 11, 1246 (2024).
Herbert L. Windom, William B. Savidge. 2024. Sources and Transport Pathways of Trace Metals to the Outer Continental Shelf off South Carolina and Georgia, USA Revealed from the Otoliths of Moray Eels, Continental Shelf Research, 105331,
Barber, A., Mirzaei, Y., Brandes, J., Joshani, A., Gobeil, C., Gélinas, Y., (2024) Redox conditions influence the chemical composition of iron-associated organic carbon in boreal lake sediments: A synchrotron-based NEXAFS study, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (2024), doi: 2024.08.018
Barua, R., L. Nyman, B. Guo, M.D. Johnson, A.U. Kerkar, J. Hong, A.T. Greer, J. Lehrter, M. McFarland, B. Penta, A.R. Nayak. 2024. In situ imaging of a kleptoplastidic ciliate thin layer indicates traditional sampling underestimates oceanic mixotroph biomass. Communications Earth & Environment doi: 10.1038/s43247-024-01708-w
Thompson, V.D., Sanger, M., Smith, K.Y., Garland, C.J., Howland, M., Andrus, F.T., Holland Lulewicz, I., Hadden, C., Alexander, C., Cajigas, R., Blair, E., Semon, A. and D.H. Thomas. 2024. Shellfishing, sea levels, and the earliest Native American villages (5000–3800 yrs. BP) of the South Atlantic Coast of the U.S. Scientific Reports.
Cohen NR, Krinos AI, Kell RM, Chmiel RJ, Moran DM, McIlvin MR, Lopez PZ, Barth A, Stone J, Alanis BA, Chan EW, Breier JA, Jakuba MV, Johnson R, Alexander H, Saito MA. 2024. Microeukaryote metabolism across the western North Atlantic Ocean revealed through autonomous underwater profiling. Nature Communications
Savidge, W.B., D.K. Savidge, F. Brandini, A.T. Greer, E.E. Hoffmann, M. Roughan, I. da Silveira, I.M. Suthers. 2024. Workshop Report: Western Boundary Current – Subtropical Continental Shelf Interactions. Oceanography 37(3): doi: 10.5670/oceanog.2024.502
Buck, C.S., S. Fietz, D. Hamilton, T. Ho, M.M.G. Perron, R.U. Shelley. 2024. GEOTRACES: Fifteen years of progress in marine aerosol research. Invited submission to Oceanography. doi: 10.5670/oceanog.2024.409
Mariotti, G., Spivak, A. and C. Alexander. 2024. Centennial changes of salt marsh area in Coastal Georgia (USA) related to large-scale sediment dynamics by river, waves, and tides. Estuaries and Coasts.
Coleman, D., Gittman, R., Landry, C., Byers, J., Alexander, C., Coughlin, G., and C. Woodson. 2024. Quantifying the impacts of future shoreline modification on biodiversity: A case study of coastal Georgia, USA. Conservation Biology.
Lowin, B.*, R. Izett, E. Taylor, C. Robertson, S. Rivero-Calle (2024) Design update to “The Pressure of In-situ Gases Instrument (PIGI) for Autonomous Shipboard Measurement of Dissolved O2 and N2 in Surface Ocean Waters”. Oceanography 37(2):174–179.
Yang, Z.*, Alexander, C., and M. Alber. 2024. The dynamics of marsh-channel slump blocks: an observational study using repeated drone imagery. Biogeosciences, 21:1757-1772.
Lowin B*, Strom S, Burt W, Kelly T, Rivero-Calle S. (2024). The importance of temporal variability in the relationship between line height absorption and chlorophyll concentration: a case study from the Northern Gulf of Alaska. Optics Express. 32, 20491-20502.
Palevsky HI, Clayton S, Benway H, Maheigan M, Atamanchuk D, Battisti R, Batryn J, Bourbonnais A, Briggs EM, Carvalho F., Chase A.P., Eveleth R., Fatland R., Fogaren K.E., Fram J.P., Hartman S.E., Le Bras I., Manning C.M., Needoba J.M., Neely M.B., Oliver H., Reed A.C., Rheuban J.E., Schallenberg C., Walsh I., Wingard C., Bauer K., Chen B., Cuevas J., Flecha S., Horwith M., Melendez M., Menz T., Plueddemann A., Rivero-Calle S., Roden N., Steinhoff T., Trucco-Pignata P.N., Vardaro M.F., Yoder M. (2024). A Model for Community-driven Development of Best Practices: The Ocean Observatories Initiative Biogeochemical Sensor Data Best Practices and User Guide. Frontiers in Marine Science. Volume 11 – 2024
Stephens, M.P., C. Marsay, M. Schneebeli, W.M. Landing, C.S. Buck, W. Geibert. 2024. Aerosol deposition and snow accumulation processes from Beryllium-7 measurements in the Central Arctic Ocean: Results from the MOSAiC expedition. JGR-Oceans. doi: 10.1029/2023JC020044
Moore, A.P, J. Antoine, L. Bedoya, A. Medina, C.S. Buck, J. Van Stan, S. Gotsch. 2023. Drought decreases water storage capacity of two arboreal epiphytes with differing ecohydrological traits. Science of The Total Environment, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.164791.
Doomstorm D.*, Hunt M. *, Sanders J. Alves-de-Souza C., Wingert C. and Rivero-Calle S. (2023) Learning how to grow phytoplankton cultures with special needs: what soil extracts from coastal Georgia does Levanderina fissa prefer? Georgia Water Resources Conference Proceedings.
Alexander, C.R., Venherm, C. and M. Robinson. 2023. Fair-Weather and Storm Impacts on the Constructed Dunes and Beaches of Tybee Island, Georgia. Proceedings, Coastal Sediments 2023, p. 2183-2191.
Beckingham, B., A. Apintiloaiei, C. Moore, and J. Brandes. 2023. Hot or not: systematic review and laboratory evaluation of the hot needle test for microplastic identification. Micropl. & Nanopl. 3, 8 (2023).
López-Figueroa, N.B., T.L Walters, A.E. Laureano-Rosario, S.P. DiGeronimo, P. Hallock, P., M.E. Frischer, A.E. Rodriguez-Santiago, and D.M. Gibson. 2023. Zooplankton community variability in the South Atlantic Bight. Journal of Plankton Research. 45: 312-324. doi: 10.1093/plankt/fbad001
Sedwick, P. N., B. M. Sohst, K. N. Buck, S. Caprara, R. J. Johnson, D. C. Ohnemus, L. E. Sofen, A. Tagliabue, B. S. Twining, and T. E. Williams (2023). Atmospheric input and seasonal inventory of dissolved iron in the Sargasso Sea: Implications for iron dynamics in surface waters of the subtropical ocean. Geophysical Research Letters, 50(6), doi: 10.1029/2022GL102594
Sytsma, C., Jackson, R., Risse, M., Kurth, M., Alexander, C., Bilskie, M., Villegas, O. and E. Kaladjian. 2023. Coastal Sediment Budgeting to Match Sediment Supplies, Dredging Volumes, and Natural Infrastructure Enhancement Needs for Sea-Level Rise Adaptation. Proceedings of the 2023 Georgia Water Resources Conference, March 30–31, 2023, Athens, GA. p. 60-64.
Sieber, M., N.T. Lanning, Z.B. Bunnell, X. Bian, S.-C. Yang, C.M. Marsay, W.M. Landing, C.S. Buck, J.N. Fitzsimmons, S.G. John, and T.M. Conway. 2023. Biological, physical, and atmospheric controls on the distribution of cadmium and its isotopes in the North Pacific Ocean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 37(2): doi:
Tomamichel, M.M., T.L. Walters, R.J Hall, J.E Byers, M.E. Frischer, M.E. 2023. A methodology to produce specific pathogen-free penaeid shrimp for use in empirical investigations of parasite ecology. Journal of Shellfish Research 42 (1), 133-142,
Windom, H.L, and Palmer, J.D. (2023) Fluvial transport of suspended sediments in the Apalachicola Basin to Apalachicola Bay” Implications to salt marsh sustainability. Journal of Coastal Research. 39 (4).
Cohen N.R., H. Alexander, A.I. Krinos, S.K.Hu, and R.H. Lampe. 2022. Marine Microeukaryote Metatranscriptomics: Sample Processing and Bioinformatic Workflow Recommendations for Ecological Applications. Front. Mar. Sci. 9:867007. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.867007
Cohen, N.R., (2022) Mixotrophic plankton foraging behaviour linked to carbon export. Nat Commun 13, 1302 (2022).
Frischer, M.E., S.C Landers, A.N. Walker, S.A Powell, and R.F Lee, R.F. (2022). Black Gill in Marine Decapod Crustaceans: A Review. Reviews in Fisheries Science and Aquaculture.
Greer, A.T., M.S. Schmid, P.I. Duffy, K.L. Robinson, M.A. Genung, J.Y. Luo, T. Panaiotis, C. Briseño-Avena, M.E. Frischer, S. Sponaugle, R.K. Cowen (2023) In situ imaging across ecosystems to resolve the fine-scale oceanographic drivers of a globally significant planktonic grazer. Limnology & Oceanography 68(1):192-207. doi: 10.1002/lno.12259
Ma, K., L. Powers, J. Seppala, J. Norkko, and J. Brandes. 2022. Effects of Added Humic Substances and Nutrients on Photochemical Degradation of Dissolved Organic Matter in A Mesocosm Amendment Experiment in the Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea. Photochemistry and Photobiology
Maniscalco M.A., M.A. Brzezinski, R.H. Lampe, N.R. Cohen, H.M. McNair, K.A. Ellis, M. Brown, C.P. Till, B.S. Twining, K.W. Bruland, A. Marchetti, and K. Thamatrakoln. 2022. Diminished carbon and nitrogen assimilation drive changes in diatom elemental stoichiometry independent of silicification in an iron-limited assemblage. ISME Communications 2, 5.
Marsay, C.M., D. Kadko, W.M. Landing, and C.S. Buck. 2022. Bulk aerosol trace element concentrations and deposition fluxes during the U.S. GEOTRACES GP15 Pacific Meridional Transect, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 36(2) doi: 10.1029/2021GB007122
Marsay, C.M.P, W.M. Landing, D. UmsteadG, C.P. Till, R. Freiberger, J.N. Fitzsimmons, N.T. Lanning, A.M. Shiller, M. Hatta, R. Chmiel, M. Saito, and C.S. Buck. 2022. Does sea-spray aerosol contribute significantly to aerosol trace element loading? A case study from the U.S. GEOTRACES Pacific Meridional Transect (GP15). Global Biogeochemical Cycles 36(8):e2022GB007416. doi: 10.1029/2022GB007416
Masud-Ul-Alam, Md., Md. Ashif Imam Khan, B.S. Barrett, and S. Rivero-Calle. 2022. Surface temperature and salinity in the northern Bay of Bengal: in-situ measurements compared with satellite observations and model output. J. Appl. Remote Sens. 16(1), 018502. doi: 10.1117/1.JRS.16.018502.
Pawlik, J, R.A. Armstrong, S. Farrington, J. Reed, S. Rivero-Calle, H. Singh, B. Walker, J. White. (2022) A comparison of recent survey techniques for estimating benthic cover on Caribbean mesophotic reefs. Marine Ecology Progress Series 686:201-211
Pereira, T.J., T.L. Walters, H.M. El-Shaffey, H.M. Bik, and M.E. Frischer. (2022). The microbiome of the pelagic tunicate Dolioletta gegenbauri: a potential link between the grazing and microbial food web. Molecular Ecology. doi: 10.1111/mec.16668
Rahman, S., A. Shiller, R. Anderson, M. Charette, C. Hayes, M. Gilbert, K. Grissom, P.J. Lam, D.C. Ohnemus, F. Pavia, B.S. Twining, and S. Vivancos. 2022. Dissolved and particulate barium distributions along the US GEOTRACES North Atlantic and East Pacific Zonal Transects (GA03 and GP16): Global implications for the marine barium cycle; Global Biogeochemical Cycles 36, e2022GB007330. doi: 10.1029/2022GB007330
Robinson, M., C. Alexander, and C. Venherm. 2022. Shallow Water Estuarine Mapping in High-Tide-Range Environments: A Case Study from Georgia, USA. Estuaries and Coasts.
Seim, H.E., D.K. Savidge, M. Andres, J. Bane, C.R. Edwards, G. Gawarkiewicz, R. He, R.E. Todd, M. Muglia, J. Zambon, L. Han, and S. Mao. 2022. Overview of the processes driving exchange at Cape Hatteras, Oceanogr.,
Shupe, MD, M. Rex, B. Blomquist, POG Persson, J. Schmale, T. Uttal, D. Althausen, H. Angot, S. Archer, L. Bariteau, I. Beck, J. Bilberry, S. Bucci, C. Buck, M. Boyer, Z. Brasseur, IM Brooks, R. Calmer, J. Cassano, V.Castro, D. Chu, D. Costa, CJ Cox, J. Creamean, S. Crewell, S. Dahlke, E. Damm, G. de Boer, H. Deckelmann, K. Dethloff, M. Dütsch, K. Ebell, A. Ehrlich, J. Ellis, R. Engelmann, AA Fong, MM. Frey, M.R. Gallagher, L. Ganzeveld, R. Gradinger, J. Graeser, V. Greenamyer, H. Griesche, S. Griffiths, J. Hamilton, G. Heinemann, D. Helmig, A. Herber, C. Heuzé, J. Hofer, T. Houchens, D. Howard, J. Inoue, H-W Jacobi, R. Jaiser, T. Jokinen, O. Jourdan, G. Jozef, W. King, A. Kirchgaessner, M. Klingebiel, M. Krassovski, Krumpen, T, Lampert, A, Landing, W, Laurila, T, Lawrence, D, Lonardi, M, Loose, B, Lüpkes, C, Maahn, M, A. Macke, W. Maslowski, C. Marsay, M. Maturilli, M. Mech, S. Morris, M. Moser, M. Nicolaus, P. Ortega, J. Osborn, F. Pätzold, DK Perovich, T. Petäjä, C. Pilz, R. Pirazzini, K. Posman, H. Powers, KA Pratt, A. Preußer, L. Quéléver, M. Radenz, B. Rabe, A. Rinke, T. Sachs, A. Schulz, H. Siebert, T. Silva, A. Solomon, A. Sommerfeld, G. Spreen, M. Stephens, A. Stohl, G. Svensson, J. Uin, J. Viegas, C. Voigt, P. von der Gathen, B. Wehner, JM Welker, M. Wendisch, M. Werner, ZQ Xie, F. Yue. 2022. Overview of the MOSAiC expedition—Atmosphere. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 10(1).
Treible, L.M., L.M. Chiaverano, and A.T. Greer. (2022) Fine-scale habitat associations of medusae and ctenophores along a gradient of river influence and dissolved oxygen. Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Science Estuarine. 272:107887.
Wei, Z., J.K. Cochran, E. Horowitz, P. Fitzgerald, C. Heilbrun, D. Kadko, M. Stephens, C.M. MarsayP, C.S. Buck, W.M. Landing. 2022. 210Pb and 7Be as coupled flux and source tracers for aerosols in the Pacific Ocean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 36(8):e2022GB007378. doi: 10.1029/2022GB007378
Windom, H.L., J.D. Palmer. 2022. Changing River Discharge and Suspended Sediment Transport to the Georgia Bight: Implications to Saltmarsh Sustainability. Journal of Coastal Research.
Achterberg, E. P., S. Steigenberger, J. K. Klar, T. J. Browning, C. M. Marsay, S. C. Painter, L. H. Vieira, A. R. Baker, D. S. Hamilton, T. Tanhua, and C. Mark Moore. 2021. Trace element biogeochemistry in the high-latitude North Atlantic Ocean: seasonal variations and volcanic inputs. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 34, e2020GB006674. doi: 10.1029/2020GB006674.
Asch, R.G., J. Holding, D. Pilcher, S. Rivero-Calle, and K.A. Rose (2021) Editorial: Ecological Applications of Earth System Models and Regional Climate Models. Frontiers in Marine Science, section Global Change and the Future Ocean. Front. Mar. Sci. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.773443
Burns, C., Alexander, C. and M. Alber. 2021. Assessing long-term trends in lateral salt marsh shoreline change along a US East Coast latitudinal gradient. Journal of Coastal Research, 37:291-301.
Cohen, N.R., M.R McIlvin, D.M.Moran, N.J. Hawco, N.A Held, J.K. Saunders, M. Brosnahan, G. DiTullio, C.Lamborg, J.McCrow, C. Dupont, A. Allen,and M.A.Saito. 2021. Dinoflagellates alter their carbon and nutrient metabolic strategies across environmental gradients in the central Pacific Ocean. Nature Microbiology 6:173–186
Cohen, N.R., A.E. Noble, D.M. Moran, M.R. McIlvin, T.J. Goepfert, N.J. Hawco, C.R. German, T.J. Horner, C.H. Lamborg, J.P. McCrow, A.E. Allen, and M.A. Saito. 2021. Hydrothermal trace metal release and microbial metabolism in the Northeast Lau Basin of the south Pacific Ocean. Biogeosciences
Frischer, M.E., L.M. Lamboley, T.L. Walters, J.A. Brandes, E. Arneson, L.E. Lacy, N.B. López-Figueroa, Á. E. Rodríguez-Santiago, and Gibson, D.M. 2021. Selective feeding and linkages to the microbial food web by the doliolid Dolioletta gegenbauri in the South Atlantic Bight. Limnology and Oceanography. doi: 10.1002/lno.11740
Greer, A.T., L.M. Chiaverano, L.M. Treible, C. Briseño-Avena, and F.J. Hernandez. 2021. From spatial pattern to ecological process through imaging zooplankton interactions. ICES Journal of Marine Science. fsab149.
Hou, M, S. Cho, H. Zhou, C.R. Edwards, and F. Zhang. 2021. Bounded Cost Path Planning for Underwater Vehicles Assisted by a Time-invariant Partitioned Flow Field Model, Frontiers in Robotics and AI. doi:10.3389/frobt.2021.575267
Janssen, D.J., J. Rickli, A.N. Abbott, M.J. Ellwood, B.S. Twining, D.C. Ohnemus, P. Nasemann, D. Gilliard, and S.L Jaccard. 2021. Release from biogenic particles, benthic fluxes, and deep water circulation control Cr and δ53Cr distributions in the ocean interior. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 574, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2021.117163
Jensen, L.T., N.T. Lanning, C. M. Marsay, C.S. Buck, A.M. Aguilar-Islas, R. Rember, W.M. Landing, R.M. Sherrell, and J.N. Fitzsimmons. 2021. Biogeochemical cycling of colloidal trace metals in the Arctic cryosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126, e2021JC017394. doi: 10.1029/2021JC017394.
Kendrick, M.R., J.F. Brunson, M.E. Frischer, and P.R. Kingsley-Smith, P.R. 2021. Climate indices predict black gill prevalence in white shrimp, Penaeus setiferus (Linnaeus, 1767), in South Carolina and Georgia, USA. Journal of Shellfish Research 40(1):145-151.
Kranzler C.F., M.A. Brzezinksi, N.R.Cohen, R.H. Lampe, M. Maniscalco, C.P. Till, J. Mack, J.R. Latham, K.W. Bruland, B.S Twining, A. Marchetti, and K. Thamatrakoln. 2021. Impaired viral infection and reduced mortality of diatoms in iron-limited oceanic regions. Nature Geoscience. 14, 231–237.
Krinos AI, S.K. Hu, N.R. Cohen, H. Alexander. 2021. EUKulele: Taxonomic annotation of the unsung eukaryotic microbes. Journal of Open Source Software 6:(57), 2817.
Langston, A., Alexander, C., Alber, M., and M.L. Kirwan. 2020. Beyond 2100: elevation capital disguises salt marsh vulnerability to sea-level rise in Georgia, USA. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.
Long, J.H., Hanebuth, T.J.J., Alexander, C.R., Luciano, K., and J. Wehmiller. 2021. Depositional Environments and Stratigraphy of Quaternary Paleochannel Systems Offshore of the Georgia Bight, Southeastern U.S.A. Journal of Coastal Research.
Marsay, C. M., and E. P. Achterberg. 2021. Particulate iron and other trace elements in near-surface waters of the high latitude North Atlantic following the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruption. Marine Chemistry, 103959. doi: 10.1016/j.marchem.2021.103959.
McManus, M.A., A.T. Greer, A.V. Timmerman, J.C. Sevadjian, C.B. Woodson, R.K. Cowen, D.A. Fong, S. Monismith, and O.M. Cheriton. 2021. Characterization of the biological, physical and chemical properties of a toxic thin layer in a temperate marine system. Marine Ecology Progress Series 678:17-35. doi: 10.3354/meps13879
Miles, T.N., D. Zhang, G.R. Foltz, J. Zhang, C. Meinig, F. Bringas, J. Triñanes, M. Le Hénaff, M.F. Aristizabal Vargas, S. Coakley, C.R. Edwards, D. Gong, R.E. Todd, M.J. Oliver, W.D. Wilson, K. Whilden, B. Kirkpatrick, P. Chardon-Maldonado, J.M. Morell, D. Hernandez, G. Kuska, C.D. Stienbarger, K. Bailey, C. Zhang, S.M. Glenn, and G.J. Goni. 2021. Uncrewed ocean gliders and saildrones support hurricane forecasting and research. Frontiers in Ocean Observing: Documenting Ecosystems, Understanding Environmental Changes, Forecasting Hazards. E.S. Kappel, S.K. Juniper, S. Seeyave, E. Smith, and M. Visbeck, eds, A Supplement to Oceanography 34(4), 78-81.
Mukherjee P, C. Marsay, S.Y., C.S. Buck, W.M. Landing, and Y.Gao. 2021. Concentrations and size-distributions of water-soluble inorganic and organic species on aerosols over the Arctic Ocean observed during the US GEOTRACES Western Arctic Cruise GN0. Atmospheric Environment. Volume 261:15 118569.
Pichler, A., T.L. Walters, M.E. Frischer, J.C. Nejstgaard, and R. Ptacnikova, (2021). Application of species-specific primers to estimate the in situ diet of Bythotrephes [Cladocera, Onychopoda] in its native European range via Molecular Gut Content Analysis. Journal of Plankton Research. 43(5): 945–956.
Alexander, C., C. Venherm, and M. Robinson. 2020. Geospatial Sediment Assessment for Georgia Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Environments in Roberson, K.W., P.J. Auster, S. Fangman, and M. Harvey (eds.), Review of Scientific Research in and around the Designated Research Area of Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary (NW Atlantic). Marine Sanctuaries Conservation Series ONMS-20-08. U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, Silver Spring, MD. pp. 150-156.
Anderson, S.R. and E.L. Harvey. 2020 Temporal variability and ecological interactions of parasitic marine syndiniales in coastal protist communities.
mSphere May 2020, 5 (3) e00209-20; DOI: 10.1128/mSphere.00209-20
Burns, C.*, M. Alber, and C. Alexander. 2020. Historical Changes in the Vegetated Area of Salt Marshes. Estuaries and Coasts.
Codden, C.J., A.M. Snauffer, A.V. Mueller, C.R. Edwards, M. Thompson, Z. Tait, and A. Stubbins. 2020. Predicting dissolved organic carbon at high temporal resolution from diverse data streams and machine learning in a saltmarsh creek, Limnology and Oceanography – Methods Accepted. DOI: 10.1002/lom3.10406
Fernandez, J.M., Townsend-Small, A., Zastepa, A., Watson, S.B., and Brandes, J.A. (in press) Methane and nitrous oxide measured throughout Lake Erie over all seasons indicate highest emissions from the eutrophic Western Basin. Journal of Great Lakes Research.
Gargett, A., D. Savidge. 2020. Winds, Waves, and Turbulence on a Shallow Continental Shelf during Passage of a Tropical Storm, J. Phys. Oceanogr. 2020, V50, pp 1341-1363, doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-20-0024.1
Gooding, E. L., M. R. Kendrick, J. F. Brunson, P. R. Kingsley-Smith, A. E. Fowler, M. E. Frischer, and J. E. Byers. 2020. Black gill increases the susceptibility of white shrimp, Penaeus setiferus (Linnaeus, 1767), to common estuarine predators. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 524 (2020) 151284
Greer, A.T., A.D. Boyette, V.J. Cruz, M.K. Cambazoglu, B. Dzwonkowski, L.M. Chiaverano, S.L. Dykstra, C. Briseño-Avena, R.K. Cowen, and J.D. Wiggert. 2020. Contrasting fine-scale distributional patterns of zooplankton driven by the formation of a diatom-dominated thin layer. Limnology & Oceanography 65(9):2236-2258. doi: 10.1002/lno.11450
Greer, A.T., J.C. Lehrter, B.M. Binder, A.R. Nayak, R. Barua, A.E. Rice, J.H. Cohen, M.N. McFarland, A. Hagemeyer, N.D. Stockley, K.M. Boswell, I. Shulman, S. deRada, B. Penta. 2020. High-resolution sampling of a broad marine life size spectrum reveals differing size- and composition-based associations with physical oceanographic structure. Frontiers in Marine Science 7:542701. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.542701
Kadko, D., W.. Landing, and C.S. Buck. 2020. Quantifying atmospheric trace element deposition over the ocean on a global scale with satellite rainfall products. Geophysical Research Letters, 47, e2019GL086357.
Kadko, D., A. Aguilar-Islas, C.S. Buck, J.N. Fitzsimmons, W.M. Landing, A. Shiller, C.P. Till, K.W. Bruland, E.A. Boyle, and R.F. Anderson. 2020. Sources, fluxes and residence times of trace elements measured during the U.S. GEOTRACES East Pacific Zonal Transect. Mar. Chem. 222, 103781, doi: 10.1016/j.marchem.2020.103781
Landers, S.C., R.F. Lee, T.L. Walters, A.N. Walker, S.A. Powell, M.K. Patel, and M.E. Frischer. 2020. Hyalophysa lynni n. sp. (Ciliophora, Apostomatida), a new pathogenic ciliate and causative agent of shrimp black gill in penaeid shrimp. Eur. J. Protistol. 73: 125673.
Parra, S.M., V. Sanial, A.D. Boyette, M.K. Cambazoglu, I.M. Soto, A.T. Greer, L.M. Chiaverano, A. Hoover, and M.S. Dinniman (in press) Bonnet Carré Spillway freshwater transport and corresponding biochemical properties in the Mississippi Bight. Continental Shelf Research. 199:
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