Are there any strategies available to manage or mitigate climate change? That question will be the focus of the next virtual Evening @ Skidaway program. University of Georgia Skidaway Institute of Oceanography researcher Dan Ohnemus will present a talk, “A Look at Climate Mitigation Solutions: Ideas for the Century Ahead,” via YouTube on Tuesday, April 13, at 7 p.m.

Daniel Ohnemus
“As scientists we spend a lot of time studying the changes associated with global climate change and trying to constrain their uncertainties — including warming, ocean acidification, ecological effects and coastal impacts,” Ohnemus said. “In this talk I’ll explore a different side — potential mitigation and intervention strategies.”
Ohnemus will examine some strategies that are comparatively simple, like carbon markets, and others that are more complex or even outlandish-sounding, like solar radiation management and addition of rocks to the oceans.
To join the April 13 program, visit the UGA Skidaway Institute YouTube channel at The program is open to the general public and free of charge.
For additional information, contact Michael Sullivan at (912) 598-2325.