If you have been shrimping or purchased local head-on shrimp, you have probably encountered shrimp black gill, which many area shrimpers blame for declining shrimp harvests. UGA Skidaway Institute of Oceanography researcher Marc Frischer will explore the causes and consequences of black gill in a virtual Evening @ Skidaway program, “Climate Change and Shrimp Black Gill – Is There A Connection?” presented via YouTube on Tuesday, Sept. 14 at 7 pm.

A Georgia shrimp with the evidence of Black Gill clearly visible.
“Since black gill became prevalent in Georgia white shrimp in the early 2000’s, there has been a significant decline in Georgia’s shrimp harvests, although we still don’t fully understand if black gill is the cause of this decline,” Frischer said. “In this talk I’ll discuss what we know and don’t know about shrimp black gill, what is being done about it, and explore the hypothesis that the changing climate is to blame”.
To join the Sept. 14 program, visit the UGA Skidaway Institute YouTube channel at https://bit.ly/Skidaway (case sensitive). The program is open to the general public and free of charge.
For additional information, contact Michael Sullivan at (912) 598-2325.