South Atlantic Bight Studies

To access any of the publications listed below, click on the title. Access is restricted to UGA Skidaway Institute faculty and staff. 




Ocean processes: U.S. southeast continental shelf: a summary of research conducted in the South Atlantic Bight under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy from 1977 to 1991. David. W. Menzel, editor  <LINK>


South Atlantic Information Resources: Data Search and Literature Synthesis

Michel, J. (ed.). 2011. South Atlantic Information Resources: Data Search and Literature
Synthesis. U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, New Orleans, LA. OCS Study BOEMRE 2011-
xxx. <LINK>




Benthic primary productivity on the Georgia midcontinental shelf: Benthic flux measurements and high-resolution, continuous in situ PAR records

Jahnke, R. A., J. R. Nelson, M. E. Richards, C. Y. Robertson, A. M. F. Rao, and D. B. Jahnke. 2008.  Benthic primary productivity on the Georgia midcontinental shelf: Benthic flux measurements and high-resolution, continuous in situ PAR records. Journal of Geophysical Research. 113, C08022, doi:10.1029/2008JC004745.

Benthic microalgal biomass and irradiance at the sea floor on the continental shelf of the South Atlantic Bight: Spatial and temporal variability and storm effects

Nelson, J. R., J.E. Eckman, C.Y. Robertson, R.L. Marinelli, and R.A. Jahnke. 1999. Continental Shelf Research 19:477—505.

Report on Ocean Color and Carbon Study for the South Atlantic Bight and Chesapeake Bay Regions

Signorini, S.R., C.R. McClain, A. Mannino, and S. Bailey. 2005. Report on Ocean Color and Carbon Study for the South Atlantic Bight and Chesapeake Bay Regions. NASA/TM-2005-212787 <LINK>

Pelagic community respiration on the continental shelf off Georgia, USA

Jiang, L.Q., W.J. Cai, Y. Wang, J. Diaz, P.L. Yager, and X. Hu. 2009. Pelagic community respiration on the continental shelf off Georgia, USA. Biogeochemistry 98:101-113. doi: 10.1007/s10533-009-9379-8 

Plankton communities

Lee, R. F. 2013. Plankton communities. South Atlantic information resources: data search and literature synthesis. OCS Study BOEM 2013-01157, ed. J. Michel, 181-232. US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, New Orleans, LA. <LINK>




Chemical contaminants entering estuaries in the South Atlantic Bight as a result of current and past land use

Lee, R.F. and K.A. Maruya. 2006. Chemical contaminants entering estuaries in the South Atlantic Bight as a result of current and past land use. IN: Changing Land Use Patterns in the Coastal Zone (G.S. Kleppel, M. R. DeVoe and M.V. Rawson, eds), Springer, New York, pp. 205-227. <LINK>

Respiration and denitrification in permeable continental shelf deposits on the South Atlantic Bight: Rates of carbon and nitrogen cycling from sediment column experiments

Rao, A. M. F., M. J. McCarthy, W. S. Gardner, and R. A. Jahnke. 2007. Respiration and denitrification in permeable continental shelf deposits on the South Atlantic Bight: Rates of carbon and nitrogen cycling from sediment column experiments. Continental Shelf Research 27(13):1801-1819. doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2007.03.001

Respiration and denitrification in permeable continental shelf deposits on the South Atlantic Bight: N2:Ar and isotope pairing measurements in sediment column experiments

Rao, A.M.F., M.J. McCarthy, W.S. Gardner, and R.A. Jahnke. 2008. Respiration and denitrification in permeable continental shelf deposits on the South Atlantic Bight: N2:Ar and isotope pairing measurements in sediment column experiments. Continental Shelf Research. 28(4–5):602-613.

Importance of humic substances for carbon and nitrogen transport into southeastern United States estuaries

Alberts, J.J., and M. Takas. 1999. Importance of humic substances for carbon and nitrogen transport into southeastern United States estuaries. Organic Geochemistry 30:385-395.

Estuarine and Coastal Ocean Carbon Paradox: CO2 Sinks or Sites of Terrestrial Carbon Incineration?

Cai, W.J. 2011. Estuarine and Coastal Ocean Carbon Paradox: CO2 Sinks or Sites of Terrestrial Carbon Incineration? Annu. Rev. Mar. Sci. 2011. 3:123–45 doi: 10.1146/annurev-marine-120709-142723

Air-sea CO2 fluxes on the U.S. South Atlantic Bight: Spatial and seasonal variability

Jiang, L.Q., W.J. Cai, R. Wanninkhof, Y. Want, and H. Lüger. 2008. Air-sea CO2 fluxes on the U.S. South Atlantic Bight: Spatial and seasonal variability. J. Geophys. Res. 113. CO7019. doi: 10:1029/2007JC004366

Modeling the Dynamics of Continental Shelf Carbon

Hofmann, E.E., B. Cahill, K. Fennel, M.A.M. Friedrichs, K. Hyde, C. Lee, A. Mannino, R.G. Najjar, J.E. O’Reilly, J. Wilkin, and J. Xue. 2011. Modeling the Dynamics of Continental Shelf Carbon. Annu. Rev. Mar. Sci. 3:93–122. doi:10.1146/annurev-marine-120709-142740

Influence of terrestrial inputs on continental shelf carbon dioxide

Jiang, L.Q., W.J. Cai, Y. Wang, and J.E. Bauer. 2013. Influence of terrestrial inputs on continental shelf carbon dioxide, Biogeosciences, 10:839–849,

Organic matter remineralization and porewater exchange rates in permeable South Atlantic Bight continental shelf sediments

Jahnke, R., M. Richards, J. Nelson, C. Robertson, A. Rao, and D. Jahnke. 2005. Organic matter remineralization and porewater exchange rates in permeable South Atlantic Bight continental shelf sediments.  Continental Shelf Research 25(12-13):1433–1452.

Carbon and Nutrient Fluxes in Continental Margins: A Global Synthesis

Jahnke, R. A., and J. O. Blanton. 2010. The Gulf Stream. In Carbon and nutrient fluxes in continental margins: A global synthesis, eds. K. K. Liu, L. Atkinson, R. Quinones, and L. Talaue-McManus, 146-169. Global Change: The IGBP Series. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.

Benthic flux of biogenic elements on the Southeastern US continental shelf: influence of pore water advective transport and benthic microalgae

Jahnke. R.A., J.R. Nelson, R.L. Marinelli1, and J.E. Eckman. 2000. Benthic flux of biogenic elements on the Southeastern US continental shelf: influence of pore water advective transport and benthic microalgae. Continental Shelf Research 20(1):109-127.

Air-sea exchange of carbon dioxide in ocean margins: a province-based synthesis

Cai, W.J., M. Dai, and Y. Wang. 2006. Air-sea exchange of carbon dioxide in ocean margins: a province-based synthesis. Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L12603, doi:10.1029/2006GL026219




A reevaluation of submarine groundwater discharge along the southeastern coast of North America

Moore, W. S. 2010. A reevaluation of submarine groundwater discharge along the southeastern coast of North America. Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 24, GB4005, doi:10.1029/2009GB003747

Advective pore water input of nutrients to the Satilla River Estuary, Georgia, USA

Jahnke, R.A., C.R. Alexander, and  J.E. Kostka. 2003. Adjective pore water input of nutrients to the Satilla River Estuary, Georgia, USA. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 56(3-4): 641 653.

Geospatial Sediment Assessment for Georgia Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Environments

Alexander, C., C. Venherm, and M. Robinson. 2020. Geospatial Sediment Assessment for Georgia Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Environments in Roberson, K.W., P.J. Auster, S. Fangman, and M. Harvey (eds.), Review of Scientific Research in and around the Designated Research Area of Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary (NW Atlantic). Marine Sanctuaries Conservation Series ONMS-20-08. U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, Silver Spring, MD. pp. 150-156. <LINK>

Depositional Environments and Stratigraphy of Quaternary Paleochannel Systems Offshore of the Georgia Bight, Southeastern U.S.A.

Long, J.H., Hanebuth, T.J.J., Alexander, C.R., Luciano, K., and J. Wehmiller. 2021. Depositional Environments and Stratigraphy of Quaternary Paleochannel Systems Offshore of the Georgia Bight, Southeastern U.S.A. Journal of Coastal Research.




Monthly climatology of the continental shelf waters of the South Atlantic Bight

Blanton, B.O., A. Aretxabaleta, F.E. Werner, H.E. Seim. 2003 Monthly climatology of the continental shelf waters of the South Atlantic Bight. Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans 108(C8)

Barotropic tides in the South Atlantic Bight

Blanton, B. O., F. E. Werner, H. E. Seim, R. A. Luettich Jr., D. R. Lynch, K. W. Smith, G. Voulgaris, F. M. Bingham, and F. Way (2004), Barotropic tides in the South Atlantic Bight, J. Geophys. Res., 109, C12024, doi:10.1029/2004JC002455

Gulf Stream Frontal Eddy Influence on Productivity of the Southeast U.S. Continental Shelf

Lee, T.N., J.A. Yoder, and L.P Atkinson. 1991. Gulf Stream Frontal Eddy Influence on Productivity of the Southeast U.S. Continental Shelf. Journal of Geophysical Research 96(C12):191-122

Monthly Mean Wind Fields for the South Atlantic Bight

Weber, A.H., and J.O. Blanton. 1980. Monthly Mean Wind Fields for the South Atlantic Bight. Journal of Physical Oceanography. 10(8):1256-1263.;2

Winds, Waves, and Turbulence on a Shallow Continental Shelf during Passage of a Tropical Storm

Gargett, A., and D. Savidge. 2020. Winds, Waves, and Turbulence on a Shallow Continental Shelf during Passage of a Tropical Storm. J. Phys. Oceanogr. 50:1341-1363. doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-20-0024.1