2010 Verity, P.G. and D.G. Borkman. A decade of change in the Skidaway River estuary. III. Plankton. Estuaries and Coasts. 33: 513-540.
2008 Verity, P.G., J. Steele, T. Frede Thingstad, F. Rassoulzadegan. The Marine Pelagic Ecosystem: Perspectives on Humanity’s Role in the Future. In: Aquatic Ecosystems, Chapter 20, N.V.C. Polunin (ed.), Cambridge University Press, pp. 309-318.
2006 Verity, P.G., M.L. Alber, and S. B. Bricker. Development of hypoxia in well-mixed estuaries in the southeastern USA. Estuaries and Coasts 29: 665-673.
2006 Frischer, M.E. and P.G. Verity. Alternatives to Coliform Bacteria As Indicators of Human Impact on Coastal Ecosystems. In: Implications of Land Use Change to Coastal Ecosystems Challenges to Effective Resource Management (eds) G.S. Kleppel, M.R. DeVoe, and M. Rawson. Springer Verlag. pp. 253-273.
2002 Verity, P.G., V. Smetacek, and T.J. Smayda. Status, trends, and the future of the marine pelagic ecosystem. Environmental Conservation 29(2): 207-237.
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1998 Verity, P.G., J.O. Blanton, J. Amft, C. Barans, D. Knott, B. Stender, and E. Wenner. Influences of physical oceanographic processes on chlorophyll and particle distributions in coastal and estuarine waters of the South Atlantic Bight. J. Mar. Res. 56: 681-711.
1993 Verity, P. G., J. A. Yoder, S. S. Bishop, J. R. Nelson, D. B. Craven, J. O. Blanton, C. Y. Robertson, and C. R. Tronzo. Composition, productivity and nutrient chemistry of a coastal ocean planktonic food web. Cont. Shelf Res. 13: 741 776.