Assistant Professor
Skidaway Institute of Oceanography
10 Ocean Science Circle
Savannah, Georgia. 31411
B.S. Biology, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain), 2005
M.S. Biological Oceanography, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez (Puerto Rico), 2010
Ph.D. Biological Oceanography, Johns Hopkins University (USA), 2016
Research interests:
Ocean color remote sensing, CubeSats, phytoplankton ecology, ocean optics, submesoscale processes, biogeochemical cycles, coral reef ecology, statistical modeling, Earth System Models and big data analysis.
The Rivero-Calle Lab:
The Bio-Optical and Satellite Oceanography laboratory focuses on three main areas:
1) Understanding the role of plankton in biogeochemistry, microscopic processes with planetary scale impacts.
2) Improving the way we study plankton and the ocean from space, by developing new satellite missions and new phytoplankton algorithms.
3) Converging lab experiments, in situ observations, satellite observations and modeling
For Prospective Students:
Dr. Rivero-Calle’s lab engages in a broad range of fields: engineering, data science, marine biology, physics, biogeochemistry, computer programming, etc. If you have an interest in any aspect of satellite research, data science, ocean color or bio-optical oceanography, please reach out, we are always always looking for bright and motivated students!