That's a lot of mud!

One of our scientists, Clark Alexander, just returned from two weeks in China, where he attended the 7th International Conference in Tidal Sedimentation in Qingdao, China. Prior to the meeting,… Read more »


More new grant $$$$

Marc Frischer (left) and Gustav Paffenhöfer (below right), along with Deidre Gibson from Hampton University, recently received a grant from the National Science Foundation to study doliolds on the South… Read more »


The walls are up!

..well sort of. Work is progressing on the new laboratory building here at Skidaway Institute. Work is moving along swimmingly and actually under budget. When did that ever happen? Now… Read more »


New grant $$$

Jim Sanders and Bill Savidge are co-PIs for a $145,000 grant from the National Science Foundation for the construction of two flowing seawater laboratories in which air temperature, seawater temperature,… Read more »


No, they are not sculptures!

We have some weird looking structures on our campus these days. Whereas our carpenter, Harry Carter, may consider them works of art, that is not their real purpose. These “mock… Read more »


Hot summer internships

We have a group of five interns from Clark-Atlanta University and Spelman College just finishing up a two-month internship with Dick Lee’s aquaculture project. Here you can see research tech… Read more »


Summer activities at Skidaway

Things are fairly busy around the Skidaway Institute campus this summer. The most obvious activity is the construction on our new laboratory building. The state general assembly approved $5 million… Read more »


We hate to brag, but…

The employees here at Skidaway Institute of Oceanography were just honored with a very nice recognition.  Skidaway Institute won Georgia’s “Governor’s Cup” which is awarded annually to five state agencies… Read more »