Skidaway Institute Seminar Series

Mike Sullivan writes: The new superintendent of Gray’s Reef National Marine, George Sedberry, will present the next program on the Skidaway Institute Seminar Series, on Tuesday, Sept 25, at 3:30… Read more »


More sushi news

Mike Sullivan writes: Dick Lee’s black sea bass aquaculture project is back on the front page this morning. “The Skinnie” magazine gave it a nice spread in last week’s issue.… Read more »


A little Skidaway history

Mike Sullivan writes: I really don’t want to turn this blog into a series of book reviews, but I ran across another book with a strong Skidaway Institute connection. I… Read more »


More on global climate change

Skidaway Institute’s Dr. Herb Windom has offered the following comment on “Global Climate — Comment and Reponse.” (See below.) Just to enter the fray on Rick’s side, I offer the… Read more »


Summer Update

Mike Sullivan writes: The summer may be winding down but there is all kinds of activity at Skidaway Institute. The Board of Regents included our request for $1.2 million for… Read more »


New Mass Spec Lab

Dr. Jay Brandes, a Skidaway Institute faculty research scientist, writes: Stable Isotope Facility Update- We have been working with engineers from Thermo-Finnigan corp. to install a brand new isotope ratio… Read more »


Why science is important

Mike Sullivan writes: I am about half-way through a pretty good book, “The Canon: A Whirligig Tour of the Beautiful Basics of Science” by Natalie Angier who is a science… Read more »


Politics and Global Climate Change

Our associate director, Rick Jahnke, wrote the following as a letter-to-the-editor to the Savannah Morning News. We Need to Depoliticize the Global Climate Change Discussion Al Gore has recently raised… Read more »