
Black gill TV story

We had a cruise yesterday that had two purposes — to collect data and samples for the black gill research project, and also to provide  a group of K-12 teachers… Read more »


Nice article on black gill research

We had a nice article on the front page of the Savannah Morning News this week. The article dealt with our recent black gill research cruise.


New R/V Savannah video

We just completed a new video on our Research Vessel Savannah. It is posted on YouTube.


Teachers at sea

It has been a busy summer on board the R/V Savannah. One cruise involved some teachers, who blogged about their experience. This is fairly interesting.


We had a great open house!

We had beautiful weather and a great turnout for our open house, Skidaway Marine Science Day, last Saturday. If you did not attend, here are some pictures to whet your… Read more »